Beauty benefits of Pomagranate for hair.


Pomagranate is a fruit which is loaded with vitamin c, antioxidants and other nutrients.It is not only a delicious fruit with beautiful color but it is also beneficial for skin & hair beauty.

 《《《《《《 POMAGRANATE 》》》》》》》 

Beauty benefits of Pomegranate

Benefits of Pomagranate  (Pomagranate Oil) for hair

Pomegranates for hair Pomegranates are not only useful for doing away with your skin problems but they are equally helpful in treating your hair problems too!

《》1). Resort to a hot pomegranate seed oil treatment to tame frizzy and dry hair.

《》2). Application of a blend of pomegranate seed oil and coconut oil helps in imparting shine to your dull and rough hair.
One of the major advantages of pomegranate seeds is that the oil derived from this can be used as a carrier oil with other oils like jojoba oil or almond oil. So, are you dying for lengthy, soft, and shiny locks? Then here you go.

《》3). Drinking pomegranate juice regularly helps in preventing as well as treating loss of hair. It helps strengthen hair and promote thick growth of hair.

《》4). Pomegranate to battle hair loss & baldness
Fresh extract is used as a treatment for hair loss. Pomegranate juice when applied to the scalp is supposed to help nourish and treat hair follicles by improving circulation to the scalp. In addition, pomegranate oil is often used in Ayurvedic salons and parlours since it helps tame unruly hair.
《》5). Creates strong and beautiful tresses:
Pomegranate seed oil happens to be the favourite natural hair treatment for many because of the large content of punicic acid in it, which helps to revitalize and strengthen the hair and make it strong, lustrous and healthy. The high antioxidant and vitamin content of this oil help to increase the blood circulation in the scalp, strengthen blood vessels and thereby promote healthy hair growth. It is a natural moisturizer and provides vital nourishment to the hair. It helps reduce flakiness, itchiness of the scalp and hence is a favourable way to battle general hair problems like dandruff, hair fall, dullness, dryness and thinning of hair, faced by all these days.
Serums made from this sour fruits’ seeds have been a favorite among many because of its non-greasy texture. It is also, as mentioned above, a very common ingredient in body products like facial creams, scrubbers, and massage oils. Don’t you want to know the unique quality these seeds hold? Listed below are the reasons behind the various benefits of pomegranates.

《》6). This delectable fruit is not likely to be effective in miraculously curing hair problems such as hair loss, dandruff, thinning hair, etc. But it does contain nutrients that can benefit your hair indirectly. For instance, hair loss is often caused due to anemia, which can be reduced by this fruit. Pomegranate improves circulation which might help in combating hair loss.

《》7). Strengthens Hair Follicles
Drinking pomegranate juice helps in strengthening your hair follicles. Pomegranate extract is often used to treat hair loss. Pomegranate seed oil contains punicic acid which makes your hair strong, thick and healthy. It also improves circulation to the scalp, thus stimulating hair growth.

《》8). Treatment Of Frizzy Hair
Pomegranate oil is often used in hot oil treatments or pre-shampoo soothing for frizzy and over processed hair for the purpose of conditioning kinky, curly and wavy hair. It detangles your hair and moisturizes the hair shaft, thus enhancing the appearance and feel of your hair. After knowing its numerous benefits, here are some tips and tidbits on how to get the maximum out of pomegranate fruit.

《》9). Nourishes Hair
Pomegranate seeds have proved to not just hydrate your hair and give the nourishment it requires with vitamins and minerals, but also gives it that luster.

《》10). Strengthens Dull Hair
Heat pomegranate oil till it becomes mildly hot and massage your hair with it. Wrap your hair with a towel and wait for about 30 minutes before you rinse it off with a shampoo or conditioner. Being rich in essential fatty acids and punicic acid, it will strengthen all the dull strands and give your hair a natural gloss.

                       A Post By Admin.

Author ~ Swatti Sharrma ß


Warning - Always be cautious if you have allergy.Use pomagranate  and other fruits in appropriate amount and order for positive impact.Excess of anything can be dangerous.

Disclaimer - This blog is not intended to advice or prescription.Always keep an eye on allergies you have.Keep check on your health confitions and allergies.Always do a patch test or allergy before using any product or tip.Always consume anything according to your health condition and required nutrition.Consult doctor and dermatologist if needed.Results may vary person to person and it depends on your skin type and health condition.Use any tip or products on your own wisdom with precaution.

Swatti Sharrma ß


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