A Comprehensive Guide to Skin Purging: Causes and Treatment.


Hello Beauties!

Hope you all are doing well. And, if not, believe it will be ok soon. Sending love & light your way. 

Recently, I have gone through so many comments complaining about skincare products that have certain ingredients as main ingredient. There are so many skincare products in the market containing ingredients like glycolic acid etc. Retinols are easily available in the market. I noticed so many comments of users on these products on online shopping sites and even on social media saying that products caused harm to their skin and caused allergies, break outs etc.

Today, I am going to share an article on this here. The allergies, break outs that you are undergoing may be '  PURGING'. Yes, it is quite possible that you are experiencing purging while using that particular product. We can't deny that you can be allergic too to that specific ingredient but as purging is very common, today, I am sharing with you about purging here.

A Comprehensive Guide to Skin Purging: Causes and Treatment. sane19beauty.blogspot.com

 What is Purging? Causes And Treatment. 

"Purging" of the skin is a term commonly used in the context of skincare, particularly when introducing new products or treatments that may cause an initial worsening of the skin condition before showing improvement. This phenomenon is often associated with certain active ingredients, such as retinoids, alpha hydroxy acids (AHAs), and beta hydroxy acids (BHAs).

Skincare products can cause purging. sane19beauty.blogspot.com

When you start using these active ingredients, they can accelerate the skin's cell turnover rate, unclogging pores, and promoting the shedding of dead skin cells. This process can bring underlying congestion to the surface, causing temporary breakouts, redness, or flakiness. It may look like your skin is getting worse, but it's actually a sign that the product is working to improve your skin in the long run.

Here are some key points to understand about skin purging:

1. **Duration**: Purging typically lasts for a short period, usually a few weeks. If the breakouts persist beyond this period, it may not be purging, and you should consult a dermatologist.

2. **Affected areas**: Purging usually occurs in areas where you frequently experience breakouts.

3. **Products**: Purging is more likely to happen when you introduce new products with active ingredients that promote exfoliation or increase cell turnover.

4. **Patch test**: Before using a new product all over your face, consider doing a patch test on a small area to check for any adverse reactions.

Causes and treatment of skin purging. sane19beauty.blogspot.com

Now, let's talk about how to treat skin purging:

1. **Be patient**: As mentioned earlier, purging is a temporary phase, and the skin should improve over time. Continue using the product as directed unless you experience severe irritation.

2. **Avoid picking or squeezing**: It's crucial not to pick or squeeze the blemishes, as this can lead to scarring and worsen the condition.

3. **Gentle skincare routine**: While going through the purging phase, keep your skincare routine simple and gentle. Use a mild cleanser, hydrating moisturizer, and a broad-spectrum sunscreen.

4. **Skip harsh products**: Avoid using other strong active ingredients, such as other retinoids, AHAs, or BHAs during the purging phase, as this may further irritate the skin.

5. **Consult a dermatologist**: If the purging persists beyond a few weeks or if you experience severe irritation, it's essential to seek advice from a dermatologist. They can evaluate your skin condition and provide personalized recommendations.

Remember, the purging process is not a guarantee with every new skincare product or treatment. It largely depends on the active ingredients and individual skin types. If you're unsure about introducing a new product or experiencing an adverse reaction, it's always best to consult a skincare professional for guidance.

  Consult your dermatologist to detect whether you're experiencing purging  or you're allergic to that product. 

If you're allergic to that product, you need to stop using that and follow instructions of your dermatologist.

I hope this article has helped you in understanding purging if you are not aware of it already. Thank you for visiting this blog

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                                 Simply Beautiful ß
                                      © Swatti Sharrma


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Disclaimer: The information provided here shared after good research yet it is for education purpose only but it doesn't guarantee accuracy and medical treatment. Consult your dermatologist and doctor before adding anything to your skincare regime. Use information provided here with your own wisdom. This post may contain affiliate links to the products. When you purchase something via these links, I will get a very small amount of commission at no extra cost to you. 


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